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Keep colleagues and client safe using contactless business cards


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are having to adapt quickly to the new normal. One of the most important changes is the need to keep colleagues and clients safe. This means avoiding physical contact as much as possible, including exchanging traditional paper business cards. 

Fortunately, there is now a way to exchange business cards without making physical contact: Profyle Contactless Business Cards

They contain all of the same information as a traditional business card, including name, contact information, and a logo, but without the need for physical contact, simply tap the NFC card to a phone or scan the QR Code via a compatible camera.

Not only do Profyle Contactless Business Cards keep everyone safe, but they also have a range of other benefits. For example, they can be updated easily and quickly, which means you can make sure your contact details are always up-to-date. 

They are also much more cost-effective than traditional paper printed cards, and can be shared with multiple contacts at the same time. Overall, Profyle Contactless Business Cards are a great way to keep colleagues and clients safe while also saving money and making sure your contact details are always up-to-date. If you’re looking for a way to stay safe and save money, then contactless business cards may be the perfect solution.


Don’t forget

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