Register for your free card today.
Register for our free 45-day trial of Profyle including a complimentary custom branded NFC card*. Register your details here and we’ll get everything set up for you!
Hands-on Exploration
See the Profyle quality first-hand with your free branded demo card and how it will elevate your brand and empower your team.
Risk-Free Trial Period
Enjoy a 45-day trial of the full Profyle platform without any financial commitment, allowing for a thorough evaluation.
Feature Assessment
Explore all features of Profyle Card as part of your free trial. We don’t have any tiers or pay-walled features.
Informed Decision Making
Make an informed decision and plan for digital business cards and ensure Profyle meets your business requirements.
Customer Support
Benefit from our 5* priority customer support services during your trial period, providing assistance and guidance as you explore the Profyle solution.
Integration Evaluation
Use the trial to test compatibility and integration with your existing systems and processes, ensuring a smooth transition to digital business cards.
* Complimentary NFC card available to qualifying companies

The digital business card that turbo-charges your lead generation.
Whether you are looking for custom branded physical NFC Cards, Digital Business Cards or a combination of both we have you covered with simple pricing and a fantastic set of tools and features with subscription pricing only £7.95 per year per user.

Join the thousands of companies already using Profyle.

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