Storytelling: How to Become a Great Storyteller


A good story can turn even the most boring person the centre of attention. Storytelling captures your audience’s attention so well that they hang on to every word you say. It works because studies from Stanford University show that people remember stories 22 times more than facts alone.    The Elements of Storytelling But what […]

Active Listening Skills: Say Less, Hear More

Active listening

Most people hear, but few truly listen. Active listening changes this. It helps you focus, understand, and respond in ways that build trust and respect.  What is Active Listening In business, active listening can increase sales by up to 8%.  It shows clients that you care about their needs. This creates stronger relationships and more […]

45 Best Ice Breaker Questions for Work, Fun, and Networking

Ice breaker questions

Asking the right question can turn strangers into teammates. It can change a silent room into a lively one. Ice breaker questions build that strong trust you will never get otherwise at work or in life. Because people will only say “Yes” to those they know and like. Why Good Ice Breakers Matter Good ice […]

42 Best Film and Music Networking Events in London

Film and music networking events in London

London’s film and music scenes are continuing to grow. In 2023, the UK’s music industry contributed a record £7.6 billion to the economy, with London leading the live music sector, accounting for nearly 31% of the £6.1 billion impact. On the film side, the UK saw a production spend of £4.23 billion in 2023, highlighting […]

46 Best London Tech Events

London skyline

These days, London’s tech scene is simply buzzing with energy. The city has become a great place for new ideas and technology. Areas like Shoreditch, known as “Silicon Roundabout,” are full of tech startups and creative minds. Here is something you may not know. London is now home to 103 unicorns, and has seen an […]